Behold, your servant has found favor in your sight, and you have shown me great kindness in saving my life. But I cannot escape to the hills, lest the disaster overtake me and I die.
(Genesis 19:19, ESV)
Disaster, crisis, emergency.
It is a great relief to my soul when I realize that I have found favor in God’s sight. What does that mean? How far reaching is God’s favor?
In a previous word, I shared what God was saying to me about His favor. But it seems that I didn’t believe that it goes far enough.
I had a dream last night in which I was working with a team that was supporting a large computer. Some concerns had arisen which required a team meeting. When the meeting was about to begin, it was interrupted with an emergency. We could hear the call for help from the room adjacent to us. Several of the members of the team quickly exited the conference room, and went into the computer room to help with the emergency.
In the scripture above, Lot recognized God’s favor. However, Lot was not confident that the favor was sufficient for the crisis that he was experiencing.
Are you in a planning meeting, considering how the options that the Lord has given you can support your vision? When the alarms are trying to steal your focus, do not exit the Lord’s conference room. Instead, request an addition to the agenda to receive the Lord’s plan for this “unexpected challenge“.