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Servant Minded

On Monday after school, Lisa, Frieda and their mothers took the wreaths over to the rehab center. When they walked into the gift shop, the attendant greeted them.

Mrs. Williams said, “Thank you so much for bringing these wreaths. We have been overwhelmed by the number of crafts that have been brought to our shop. We know that the patients here and their families will be extremely blessed.”

Lisa‘s mom said, “It was our joy to make them, and we know that many will feel blessed by God.”

As they were leaving the gift shop, Lisa and Frieda spontaneously began to dance around.

Lisa said, “This is what it feels like to receive the joy of the Lord.”


Lisa’s mom dropped Frieda and her mom at their house, and then they returned home.

Lisa’s mom said, “This was really exciting. I am so glad that you asked for us to do the project with Frieda and her mom. It really helped to build our friendship with them.”

Lisa became very quiet again. This had been a common occurrence over the last couple months.

Lisa’s mom said “Are you OK, Lisa? Are you just thinking some more about what God is doing in your heart?”

Lisa responded, “Yes, Mom. I think I’m starting to understand. Obviously, it’s gonna take me more than just a few months to fully understand what God does in a person’s heart.”

Lisa’s mom said, “That is so true. Your dad and I have been Christians for a long time, and we still are amazed at the things that God does for his children. His goodness is always coming after us, as the Bible says.”

Through her tears, Lisa said, “Mom, this is what I’ve learned so far about God, and how much He loves us. First, He saves us from ourselves. God showed me this when I was too anxious for an adventure at the castle. When my feet slipped, Larry was there to pull me back. That’s what Jesus does for us when He saves us from our sins.

“Then, Jesus gives us a caring and compassion heart for others, who may not know him yet, or are hurting. I have seen this several times in the last few months. I was so excited when Herc was able to feel God‘s love for him when we listened to the story Grandpa told about Larry and Sam. God was restoring things to Herc that had been taken away from him, mostly friendship with the other guys and girls. I have also noticed that God has been restoring memories to Grandpa of his lovely wife.

“And now, I see and feel that God is pleased when His children recognize what their plan is in life. Grandpa’s story also talked about going around the corner to the park, to find out what God‘s plan is for our lives. I felt that personally as we worked on the Servant Heart project. I believe that God has called me to use the gifts He’s given me to serve others in a similar way.”

Lisa paused for a moment as her mom was listening very intently.

Lisa continued, “So, Mom, I would say up ‘till now God has given me these three things to help me understand how much He loves me.”

Lisa’s mom responded, “Yes, Lisa. Your dad and I have recognized what God is doing in your heart. We are very excited for you, and Larry, that you both are responding to the Lord, who knocked on your hearts.”

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